Our Approach to Education & Prevention

Education & Outreach – Rural

Blood Ties Four Directions Centre uses a harm reduction approach to education and prevention.

Education & Outreach - Rural Yukon Communities

Blood Ties Four Directions Centre provides workshops and information sessions on HIV, Hepatitis C, sexual health, overdose prevention, and harm reduction. 

The workshops are facilitated in a safe and inclusive way, encouraging sex-positivity and diversity. Our goal is to equip participants with knowledge,

skills, and tools for healthy decision-making for themselves and for their community.

Our aim is also to provide a space for community members to gather, share, and examine culturally safe approaches to safe behaviours and practices.  

These free sessions are designed to be engaging, interactive, and informative. They can be adapted for different ages, genders, and groups.

These workshops are designed for youth ages 14-18 years old, or 15-21 years old, in rural and remote Yukon communities

Blood Ties and BYTE Empowering Youth – a youth-for-youth organization that focuses on empowering and promoting youth throughout the Yukon – collaborate to deliver this comprehensive two-day workshop for youth. 

The Youth Empowering Youth workshop will provide opportunities to develop tangible skills and increase capacity among youth on issues that affect their health and the health of their communities. 

Topics explored include: 

  • mental health
  • sexual health
  • healthy relationships
  • consent and boundaries
  • harm reduction and safer partying
  • decision-making and leadership skills.

This program is designed for youth ages 14-18 years in rural Yukon.

We are very pleased to be delivering the very effective, very popular H.E.A.T. (Health Empowerment and Action Together) Program to rural Yukon youth. The program allows youth ages 14 to 18 to gain skills and knowledge to make positive life choices around their health. The goal of the program is to prevent HIV, STIs and Hepatitis C among youth using a harm reduction approach. 

Youth participate in interactive activities and skill-building games, in a safe and positive environment. The program is two full-day sessions: 

  1. Intro to STBBIs and Safer Sex
  2. Identifying values, making healthy decisions, and communicating them
  3. Prevention and Resources
  4. Dealing with Triggers and Slips
  5. Dealing with Harmful Thoughts, Wrap Up

Our H.E.A.T. program can be customized to fit the needs of the community.

Tea & Talk is meant for vulnerable women, including street-involved women, women who engage in higher-risk sex, and women who have experienced violence. 

The goal of Tea & Talk is to prevent acquisition and transmission of STBBIs (sexually transmitted blood borne infections), including HIV and Hepatitis C. 

The approach is to help develop the body awareness and motivation for self-care necessary to take the steps to set their boundaries, express their needs, and protect themselves.

The program consists of three 2½-hour sessions:

  1. Developing communication skills and self-efficacy;
  2. Providing information on safer sex and drug use that is relevant and easily applicable by participants.

This program is meant specifically for social service providers and organizations that provide health and social services.  

This project was designed to discover the factors that make relationships between Blood Ties’ clients and service providers more successful. It also identified barriers that people who use drugs face when accessing social services. 

The project is shared in the hope that other health and social service providers find it useful for strengthening their relationships with clients who use drugs. 

The program covers: 

  • Harm Reduction
  • Addressing Stigma regarding STBBIs (Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infections) and Drug Use

To download our guide on best practices for health and social service providers working with people who use drugs, see the Resources page.

Are you interested in expanding your knowledge and making a positive impact?

Our Education Outreach programs can help. Whether you're seeking knowledge on harm reduction, health services, or specialized training for different age groups, our comprehensive offerings are designed to empower and inform. Sign Up Now and Get Involved today!

For more information on our education and prevention services
Rural Education Coordinator
Community Harm Reduction Coordinator

Resources, Harm Reduction Supplies & Condoms

Blood Ties provides free educational resources on harm reduction, HIV, Hepatitis C, overdose prevention and sexual health. We can also facilitate access to free condoms, harm reduction supplies, and naloxone kits for organizations and businesses.